Welcome to Our Self Substantial Life Changing Financial System
Empowered by the P.O.P Movement

John F. Kennedy once quoted: “Ask not what your country can do for

you, but what you can do for your country.”

Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the                                    highest form of appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. At this present time, our country is in great                                                    need for the American people to come together and offer support by creating economic plans in helping to move the                                         country forward.

The P.O.P. Movement & LEE-ETA is a privately held faith-based company that has started a Multicultural Humanitarian Project to create              economic opportunities for all mankind. Due to the devastating effects our country is experiencing because of COVID-19, we find it
imperative that we, the citizens of this country act in unison and do something now in the form of a Economic Movement to help lift                          some of the off of our government system. “We must learn to "Do For Self" in order for us to be able to withstand during these turmoil times. This economic rescue plan has been designed to help individuals to do exactly that.

Getting Organize to Be Recognized

A group of professionals from every angle in the Financial Industry, came together and created and economic rescue                                                             plan for business owners and for the ones inspired to become one, throughout the entire 50 states with focus on                                                                     at risk and impoverish communities within them. This system has been design based on where we are economically                                                            as a whole in our Country today and the challenges we may be facing in the future. We must Build Back Better and                                                   Choose Prosperity Over Poverty.

Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the                                                        highest form of appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. At this present time, our country is in great                                                          need for the American people to come together and offer support by creating economic plans in helping to move the country forward.
The P.O.P. Movement & LEE-ETA is a privately held faith-based company that has started a Multicultural Humanitarian Project to create              economic opportunities for all mankind. Due to the devastating effects our country is experiencing because of COVID-19, we find it
imperative that we, the citizens of this country act in unison and do something now in the form of a Economic Movement to help lift                          some of the off of our government system. “We must learn to do For Self during these turmoil times. This economic rescue plan has been
designed to help individuals to do exactly that.

Every American regardless of your race, gender, color, or personal background can play a
vital part in this Humanitarian project/movement. We are seeking support through
memberships from business owners and individuals that is interested in helping us to
Rebuild, Restore and Reinvest back into our businesses and into our at-risk communities in
order to lift some of the burden off our government system so thaT our Country can
continue to be the most powerful Country in the world today.

Due to the rise in inflation costs, this system will help to offset unexpected expenses that will allow our businesses to stay in operation and          stay in compliance with the rules and regulation of the government. This system will counteract with the Building Back Better Act
that went into effect November 27th, 2021. 

If you do not own a business or have a registered business with an EIN # you will be considered an affiliate marketer. Everyone must fill out             a W9 form before funds are disburse. We encourage everyone to become a business owner as well as get their business registered so that            you can receive the additional benefits and perks the Federal Government has to offer through the tax laws and other support programs that available only for qualified businesses. Small Businesses are the only thing that restores an economy. This income generating platform is a division of the P.O.P. 360 Community Restoration & Job Creation Project, that has been designed to help create a minimum of 1,000,000 jobs 
200,000,000 new entrepreneurs and strengthen countless numbers of existing businessess.by year end 2027. We can make this happen by strengthen our existing businesses, creating new businesses and bringing our spending power to one place for 4 solid years to support these business owners and to see the mission and the vision of this movement come into fruition.


Through our Community Restoration & Job Creation Initiatives, every community/zip code can now focus on the need in that community. Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Alabama have been chosen as the ground zero states for this project to begin. We are looking to place P.O.P 360 CR&JC Chapters/Division inside of each community.   If you know of anyone that is a community activist or leader, please inform them of this movement that is taking place so that they can help their community to move forward.

Mississippians will Jumpstart in the Nations in the


The State of Texas has been chosen as our Strong Arm State in our "Each One Reach One" do to their continuous  economic growth through various setbacks our country economy has faced throughout the pass 10 plus years.

The P.O.P 360 CR&JC Project 

The PO.P. 360 CR&JC Project is a 5 year project and it will be implemented as a National Campaign that pre-launched June 1, 2024, from the #1 economically poorest state, Mississippi.  We are now begin putting community projects in place in place. History will be made again. Mississippi will be the leading state to jumpstart a campaign entitled “Why We Can’t Wait Any Longer. We need everyone that care assistance and support regardless of wherever you resides. We are asking Mississippians to take the lead in this campaign. We are Moving Forward & Demanding Prosperity -Over- Poverty.

Our ultimate goal in this campaign aims to help aspiring entrepreneurs get their businesses set up properly and thriving enough to hire employees or additional employees that come from our job readiness training program. We focus on helping individuals achieve financial stability, many of which may be from impoverished communities, experiencing hardships that come from unjust criminal backgrounds, and those that have systematic oppressions to deal with in their everyday lives. We are creating this crowdfunding campaign to bring in operating funds from donors to support our mission in getting started faster. We are not government funded and have built a self-sustainable system which allows these individuals to Do For Self. We have been in existing for over 10 years and has initiated a 2-year test on this concept of mindset change which was initiated in Mound Bayou, Ms. in 2015-2019. 

The P.O.P. Movement had the privilege of being place in the History Museum during the state of Mississippi 200-year bicentennial as of

December 9-2017 because of our concepts use in teaching self-sustainability based on the teachings of I.T. Montgomery and Benjamin Green

the founder & Co-founder of the City of Mound Bayou, Ms., where the initial training was implemented.



Everyone has an opportunity to put some skin in the game that will help bring about positive change to impoverished communities throughout the country. We are asking all churches, nonprofit organizations, businesses, community leaders, and concerned citizens throughout this country and beyond to take the lead in supporting this project. You can offer your support in various ways by becoming a:

  1. Founder/Sponsor: $100.00 - $10,000.00 (see corporate for more information).
  2. Individual Membership: Donate a minimum of $50.00 annually as an individual member.
  3. Economic Patriot: Donate $25.00  minimum monthly.
  4. Business Directory Membership: $399.95. Get your business listed for 12 months in our P.O.P. New Day Business Directory. Business owners listed in our directory agree to follow the protocol of our job creation process and to hire from our well-trained students attending one of our Lifeline Employment, Education & Environmental Training Academies (LEE-ETA). LEE-ETA also caters to individuals with certain disabilities, criminal backgrounds, lack of formal education, and lack of technology-driven skills.
  5. Faith-Based Endorser Membership: $300.00. Get your church listed locally and globally. The church is the bedrock of the community. Show your support for this worthy cause and we will list your church in our directory for 12 months, including the church name, pastor, location, service times, sermons, events, activities, etc. By supporting this community restoration project, your church can help reach the project’s goals within the allowed timeframe.
  6. Commemorative Products Fundraiser: Encourage your members to purchase a minimum of 25-50 handmade fundraising items to help us reach our goal of raising $500,000 towards our $5,000,000 goal for phase one of this project. This will support setting up chapters/divisions and opening our New Day Business Resources & Training Centers in underserved communities throughout Mississippi and beyond.

The Centers will provide hands-on training to prepare individuals for employment and business ownership. We will also train our students on how to stay in compliance with new and changing tax laws related to business and personal taxes. This Community Restoration & Job Creation New Eco System will provide the skills, techniques, and resources needed to help minimize the number of individuals relying on federal assistance programs such as SNAP (Food Stamps) or TANF (Welfare), etc., by creating livable wage employment that offers equal employment opportunities. This system will also benefit felons by qualifying and positioning them for business startup, finding employment, and helping many get their records expunged (certain rules apply for expungement qualification). Additionally, this system will have an immediate economic impact on our communities by helping to lower unemployment, mass incarceration, recidivism, and crime.

R.A.C.E. - We must find ways to recycle our Resources, Assets, Cash & Energy back into

the P.O.P. New Community Restoration & Job Creation Eco System.

We Must Do It Thru the Urgency of N.O.W.

 By Navigating Our Wealth



  • I’d rather see a sermon than to hear one any day.

  • I’d rather one walk with me than just to show the way.

  • The eye is a better pupil and more willing than the ear.

  • Advice may be misleading, but examples are always clear.

  • And the very best of teachers are the ones who live their creed,           

  • for to see good put into action is what everybody needs.

  • I can soon learn to do it if you let me see it done.

  • I can watch your hand in motion, but your tongue too fast may run,

  • and the lectures you deliver may be very fine and true,

  • but I’d rather get my lesson by observing what you do.

  • For I may misunderstand you and the fine advice you give,

  • but there’s no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.


  •  We are a faith-based movement.

  • "Faith Without Works Is Dead"